Port Augusta Secondary School’s vision for Aboriginal students is for high levels of educational achievement and meaningful post-school or vocational pathways.

The Aboriginal Education Senior Leader leads a team of staff which includes Aboriginal Secondary Education and Transition Officers (ASETO) and Aboriginal Education Teachers (AET), Aboriginal Program Assistance Scheme (APAS) tutors for year 11/12 students and Study Centre staff.

The Department for Education (DfE), Aboriginal Education Strategy 2019-2029, guides the work that staff do at Port Augusta Secondary School. DfE and our school’s vision is that “every Aboriginal child is a proud and confident learner, achieving their highest Potential

The Guiding Principles of the strategy are:

  • High Expectations
  • Accessibility and responsiveness
  • Culture and Identity
  • Community Engagement
  • Accountability

The Aboriginal Education Team goals include:

  • Strong partnerships with families
  • Improvement in student’s literacy and numeracy
  • Culturally competent staff
  • Aboriginal participation in governance
  • High levels of attendance for students

aboriginal education teacher

The Aboriginal Education Teacher (AET) has a specific focus on the development of teaching and learning practices to improve learning outcomes for Aboriginal students in the school community.

The AET works with the school leadership, staff, students and the parents of Aboriginal students to assist in coordinating school literacy and numeracy programs and contribute to staff training and development to ensure improved student learning outcomes in literacy and numeracy.


aboriginal secondary education
transition officer

The Aboriginal Secondary Education Transition Officer provides specialised support to school-based teaching staff by:

Expanding partnerships between secondary schools, higher education institutions, industry and Aboriginal community to develop local strategies to strengthen transition from school to work and/or further education

Monitoring and reporting on the development of Aboriginal students transitioning through senior schooling and onto post-school pathways

Collaborating in educational decision making with teaching staff in the planning, implementing and monitoring of programs and strategies identifying the social, wellbeing and learning needs of Aboriginal students including “students at risk”

Delivering Aboriginal Community Voice through the implementation of community voice initiatives

School and community partnership agreement

Schools across Australia are working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to improve student outcomes. The focus is on ensuring children and young people succeed.

A written or recorded agreement is an effective step in the process of strengthening and maintaining successful partnerships. Agreements vary in format with content reflecting the negotiation that has taken place between individual schools and communities and shared understandings that have emerged in relation to educational values, priorities and goals. Port Augusta Secondary School and the Aboriginal school community finalised this process in May 2015.

The School and Community Partnership Agreement focus areas are:

  • Strong and positive relationships
  • Student engagement in learning and successful outcomes
  • Valuing Aboriginal people, cultures and experiences