In the event of extreme weather conditions, a decision will be made by admin staff to invoke the inclement weather policy. This information will be communicated live through the paging system and email as well as the bulletin if the timing is appropriate.
In the case that the inclement weather policy is invoked, students are to move from outside to the ground floor of building 3A or other designated areas as per announcements.
Inclement weather includes extended periods of hot weather, heavy rain and high winds etc.
The following duties will change in inclement weather:
–  oval duty and basketball court duty to the ground floor of 3A or other areas as directed by the yard duty coordinator. Please note: students are not to consume food or drink indoors.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents and students that energy drinks are not permitted at Port Augusta Secondary School.

We ask that parents and guardians support us by not sending them to school in packed lunches, and by instructing their child not to purchase them on the way to school or if leaving the school grounds. Students who bring Energy Drinks to school will be asked to leave them at the Front Office or YES office when signing in.

Port Augusta Secondary School promotes a healthy eating environment, with the school canteen providing freshly made meals and snacks for students to purchase. Students may also wish to bring food from home, or some senior students may purchase food off-site and bring it back to school to enjoy.
Emergency meals are also available through the YES Centre or Aboriginal Education. As a school, we are becoming increasingly concerned about the health risks that are associated with energy drinks and their popularity amongst students. We have noticed a change in some students’ behaviour as a result of the foods and drinks they are choosing to consume during their breaks.

Energy drinks pose a health concern for several reasons. 
Studies have linked excessive caffeine in children to elevated heart rates, hypertension, anxiety, headaches and interrupted sleep patterns. • Energy drinks have higher levels of caffeine than regular soft drink

Serving sizes can be misleading: 

  • Some energy drinks are sold in cans that cannot be resealed and therefore increase the likelihood of being consumed in one sitting 
  • Children may not be capable of understanding and adhering to the suggested serving size We also encourage students to choose healthy options when purchasing foods off site. Healthy diets actually mean the healthiest possible academic performance, with lots of scientific evidence to support this.

We have also noticed an increase in the number of student purchasing bulk size items to consume in a day. (For example 2L flavoured milk or soft drink and large packets of lollies or chips). Whilst there is a financial gain in purchasing this way, it makes it impossible for students to regulate a correct serving size and results in them consuming more than the recommended daily intake of sugar, making it incredibly difficult to concentrate. Students with large size drinks will also be asked to leave these at the Front Office or YES office when signing in.

We appreciate your support in this matter.

Arrive on time

  • – Arrive at school before 8.30am
  • – Attend Home Group
  • – Move to class on first bell
  • – Be at each lesson before second bell

Be prepared to learn

  • – Have equipment needed for your classes
  • – Correct footwear for practical lessons

Put away electronic devices during class

  • – No mobile phones used/visible during class time
  • – No iPods/earphones used/visible during class time

Do your best

  • – Have a go at the work
  • – Choose wisely who to sit with
  • – Seek assistance, ask questions
  • – Take responsibility for your learning


  • Respect each other and school property
  • – Talk to all students and staff how you would like to be talked to
  • – Our school has a ‘zero tolerance’ to violence
  • Show courtesy, care and compassion every day
  • – Use your manners
  • – Follow instructions
  • – Help others
  • – Offer assistance

Be active in creating a positive school environment

  • – Put rubbish in the bin
  • – Leave classrooms in a clean and organised state
  • – Look after all school property
  • – Wear school uniform everyday

Use appropriate language in our school

  • – No swearing
  • – No back chatting
  • – No aggressive responses to students and staff

All students wishing to use any personal electrical equipment at school must ensure the equipment complies with Australian Standards and has been electrically tested.

(Testing can be arranged through the RTC).

Times will be advertised via the Student Bulletin throughout the school year for equipment to be tested.

At PASS, students and teachers have the right to learn and teach in a safe and supportive school environment.
This means that all students, staff as well as the school community must take responsibility for their actions to ensure that PASS is a safe and supportive learning environment.
 This is achieved through a set of common School Expectations and Classroom Responsibilities.

Click to View 

To enhance learning through the safe use of information and communication technologies (ICT), please read this with your child to understand their responsibilities under this agreement and sign the permission slip that is included in the new student enrolment pack.
Our computer systems bring great benefits to the teaching and learning programs at PASS and to the effective operation of the school. Our ICT equipment is provided for educational purposes, appropriate to this environment.
This policy includes information about your child’s obligations, responsibilities, and the nature of possible consequences associated with cyber-safety breaches that undermine the safety of the school environment.
Where a student is suspected of an electronic crime, this will be reported to the South Australian Police. Where a personal electronic device such as a mobile phone is used to capture images of a crime, such as an assault, the device will be confiscated and handed to the police.
While every reasonable effort is made by PASS and DfE administrators to prevent student’s exposure to inappropriate content when using the department’s online services, it is not possible to completely eliminate the risk of such exposure. In particular, DfE cannot filter internet content accessed by your child from home, from other locations away from school or on mobile devices owned by your child.
Parents/guardians play a critical role in developing knowledge, understanding and ethics around their child’s safety and safe practices for themselves and the people around them regardless of the time of day. Being cyber-safe is no exception and we encourage you to discuss this issue with your child and view the following websites to stay safe when using ICT at school and after formal school hours.


  • I will log on only with my own user name. I will not allow anyone else to use my account.
  • I will keep my password private.
  • While at school or a school related activity, I will inform the teacher of any involvement with any ICT material or activity that might put me or anyone else at risk (eg bullying or harassment).
  • I will use the computer systems only for positive purposes, not to be mean, rude or offensive, or to bully, harass, or in any way harm anyone else, or the school itself, even if it is meant as a joke.
  • I will go online or use the Internet at school only when a teacher gives direction.
  • While at school, I will:
  • Access, attempt to access, download, save and distribute only age appropriate and relevant material
  • Report any attempt to get around or bypass security, monitoring and filtering that is in place at school
  • Report any inappropriate material that is accessed to a teacher immediately.
  • To ensure copyright laws are abided by, I will download or copy files such as music, videos, games or programs only with the permission of a teacher or the owner of the original material.
  • My privately owned ICT equipment/devices I bring to school or a school related activity, are also covered by this policy. Any images or material on such equipment/devices must be appropriate to the school environment. I understand that if I am required to connect my equipment\device to a power source, that it must be electrically tested by the Resource Technology Centre before it is used on site.
  • I understand that the school does not provide insurance for accidental loss or damage to student owned devices. Claims may only be met under the department’s public liability insurance where the loss or damage is attributable to a negligent act or omission on the part of the school.
  • I will follow all cyber-safety practices before I put any personal information online.
  • I will respect and treat all ICT equipment/devices with care and not cause any damage to equipment.
    This includes:
    1. reporting any breakages/damage to a staff member
    2. following all school cyber-safety strategies, and not joining in if other students choose to be irresponsible with ICT systems and networks
    3. not attempting to hack or gain unauthorised access to any system
  • The school may monitor traffic and material sent and received using the school’s ICT network. The school may use filtering and/or monitoring software to restrict access to certain sites and data, including e-mail.
  • The school may monitor and audit its computer systems and network, or commission an independent forensic audit. Auditing of the above items may include any stored content, and all aspects of their use, including e-mail.
  • If I do not follow this policy, the school may inform my parents/guardians. In serious cases, the school may take disciplinary action against me. My family may be charged for repair costs. If illegal material or activities are involved or e-crime is suspected, it may be necessary for the school to inform the police and securely hold personal items for potential examination by police. Such actions may occur even if the incident occurs off-site and/or out of school hours.

Students are strongly advised not to bring valuables to school – e.g. gaming devices, mobile phones, MP3 players or iPods. The school does not accept responsibility if they are misplaced or stolen.


Part of the role and responsibility of our school is to supply all students and staff with a safe and healthy learning environment.

Our school community also acknowledges the potential for serious injury from any form of physical violence.

The school has a range of support structures through which students can gain support in dealing with conflict, including:
1. Well Being Coordinator
2. mentors
3. Aboriginal Education team
4. administration staff
5. connections to community

services including Head Space
We also implement proactive approaches through our curriculum including the delivery of the Child Protection Curriculum and a range of other targeted programs.

Our school has no tolerance of violent behaviours of any kind including:
– Actual physical violence
– Threatened physical violence
– Inciting physical violence

If students are threatened with violence they are instructed to protect themselves and move directly to the Front Office, YES Centre or Aboriginal Education Centre.

The following responses will be actioned following these types of behaviours.

These actions are designed to protect our school community and are generally supported by parents, staff and students.