the role of
student wellbeing leaders

Student wellbeing leaders are qualified teachers who broaden their professional knowledge and develop expertise about student wellbeing and mental health.

All teachers have a duty of care to every student under their supervision and must take reasonable care to protect students from a foreseeable risk of harm. Student wellbeing leaders extend this duty of care to safeguard student wellbeing and mental health.

Student wellbeing leaders work in partnership with students, parents and carers, educators and the wider community to promote student wellbeing and optimise learning.

  • protect student rights
  • respect a student’s right to informed choice and informed consent
  • use ethical decision-making when responding to conflicts and dilemmas
  • respect the privacy of students and keep information confidential
  • advocate for students by promoting student voice
  • respect and promote the essential humanity, worth and dignity of all people
  • recognise and respect diversity among people and oppose discrimination and oppressive behaviour
  • support students in care
  • lead a whole school approach to student wellbeing and mental health
  • evaluate and facilitate access to relevant programs, initiatives and services
  • offer course and career guidance
  • provide support to help manage personal issues and relationships with family, teachers and peers
  • respond to crisis situations, for example contact Social Work Incident Support Service (SWISS)
  • advise and refer students to therapeutic services, for example Child and Adolescent Mental Service (CAMHS) and Headspace

headspace clinic

The PASS headspace clinic is a free and confidential health service for young people aged 12-19. The health service runs fortnightly at the school and students require parental consent to participate. The student wellbeing leader will contact parents/caregiver to organise consent and initiate a referral to be triage by the Headspace triage team. Alternatively, if you require support for your child a student wellbeing leader can initiate the referral process on your behalf. Please contact the school on 86473300 if you require assistance.

further information and support

The following agencies and organisations are able to provide further support or guidance in the event that the school is unable to do so.

boundaries of the
student wellbeing leader service

Student wellbeing leaders do not offer therapeutic intervention or a professional counselling service. They are responsible for:

  • encouraging attendance, positive behaviour and learning at school
  • educating and coaching students to manage relationships with peers, teachers and families
  • crisis responses
  • brief intervention and referral to professional services.

For more information, please view Safety and Wellbeing.

harrassment and

The school has a zero tolerance policy relating to Harassment and Bullying

What is harassment and bullying?

Harassment and bullying is a pattern of repeated physical, verbal or social aggression directed towards a specific person by someone with more power. The behaviour is intended to cause harm, distress and/or create fear.

Harassment and bullying might involve repeatedly:

  • physically hurting someone or threatening to hurt someone
  • leaving someone out
  • saying mean or humiliating things
  • using technology/social media platforms to send nasty messages or images

Harassment and bullying are not the same as conflict or disliking someone even though, in some cases, these things can lead to bullying.

Safe and supportive environment

At Port Augusta Secondary School (PASS), students and teachers have the right to learn and teach in a safe and supportive school environment that is free from harassment and bullying. This means that all students, staff as well as the school community must take responsibility for their actions and actively discourage harassment and bullying to ensure that PASS is a safe and supportive learning environment. This is achieved by:

  • respecting each other and property
  • showing courtesy, care and compassion every day
  • being active in creating a positive school environment
  • using appropriate language in the school

Reporting Harassment


The student being harassed arranges a time to meet with the student wellbeing leader or the student can complete a “green harassment report form” (available at Reception or Student Services)


The student wellbeing leader supports the student to resolve the matter with the perpetrator, documents any actions taken and any required follow-up


If the harassment/bullying remains unresolved, the appropriate year level Senior Leader becomes involved and consequences are applied depending on the nature of the harassment and bullying